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Event MagmaMC Parkour Event
Started by timr2000

Hello Magma's,

Because we hit the 1000th unique players we promised to do an event.

First of all, i want to thank all of you again for joining MagmaMC!
Also Moppersmurff did a great job at building this event.

So what kind of event is it?
This i a Parkour event, you can win multiple rewards at this event.
We know parkour is hard for our bedrock players, especially the **Hard** Parkour.

So we also made an Easy parkour, you will receive an reward when completing the parkours, you can claim this reward once every day by completing it.

There are also Leaderboards that'll show how fast someone completed the parkour, when the event ends we will also reward the players with the fastest time!

When completing the Easy parkour you will receive:
- 500$

When completing the Hard parkour you will receive:
- 2000$
- 1 rare crate key

You can receive the rewards every day once finished the parkour

We will announce a date soon, there will be a trailer on the MagmaMC youtube channel with more information about this Event.

  • x2