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How to Create a Player Shop?
Started by timr2000

Hello Magmas,


Before diving into creating a Player Shop on MagmaMC, ensure that you have reached at least Level 2.

If you encounter any difficulties with commands, type /pshop help for assistance. Keep in mind that you're allowed to set up a maximum of 10 shops!


How do I create a shop?

It's a straightforward process. Just crouch and left-click on a chest while holding the item you wish to sell. For instance, if you're holding a Carrot, simply crouch and left-click on the chest with the Carrot in hand.

Utilize the /pshop help command to effortlessly access a comprehensive list of commands available for your PlayerShop.

To remove your PlayerShop, stand in front of the chest and deploy the /pshop remove command.


If you wish to transfer all your shops to a specific player, employ the /pshop transfer command.

For additional details and commands, refer to magmamc.net/commands or enter /pshop help in-game!"


For help, join us on discord or let us know below this post!